How to Deal with Puppy Chewing:  A Guide for the Havi Pet Owner is reader supported. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might receive a commission at no cost to you.

Puppies are usually very excited to explore their new environment when they first come home. They are full of energy and curiosity. This is when they might chew on things that are not meant for them, like furniture or shoes.

  1. How to Deal with Puppy Chewing: A Guide for the Havi Pet Owner
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Puppy chewing can be a frustrating experience for the pet owner. You may not know how to stop your puppy from chewing on everything in sight. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to stop your puppy from chewing.

Step 1: Take Steps to Prevent Your Puppy from Chewing Inappropriately

First interrupt, then divert. You should interrupt your dog when he’s chewing on an inappropriate object, and then redirect his attention to an appropriate object. Reward him for chewing on a proper object. Never let your dog chew on old shoes or socks.

There are a few proactive steps you can take to prevent your puppy from gnawing on things, the first being to provide them with plenty of appropriate chew toys. Appropriate chew toys are those that are both safe to use and og fYou can also discourage your puppy from gnawing by redirecting their attention to a toy or bone when they start to chew on something they’re not supposed to. Finally, if your puppy persists in gnawing on things they’re not supposed to, you can try spraying them with a water bottle or making a loud noise to startle them.  

Puppies may chew on anything in sight due to their curiosity and energy. However, when you have a new puppy home, it is important to assess the situation for hazards and objects that should not be chewed on. Puppies can get sick from eating things they should not, so be sure to keep them safe by placing all food behind a gate or in a room where your pup cannot enter

Some people use bitterant to prevent puppies from chewing on things they shouldn’t. This is a bitter-tasting substance that is sprayed or applied to things the puppy might chew on. It is not harmful to the puppy, but it tastes terrible so the puppy is less likely to chew on it.

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Step 2: Crate Train Your Puppy

A crate train your puppy is an excellent way to housebreak your new pet. The crate can also be used as a safe place for your puppy to rest and play. Start by placing the crate in a room where the puppy spends a lot of time, such as the living room. Put a soft blanket and some toys in the crate. Encourage the puppy to play in and explore the crate. When the puppy is comfortable going into and playing in the crate, begin closing the door for short periods of time. Gradually increase the amount of time the puppy spends.

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Step 3: Use Discipline Appropriately 

If your puppy is gnawing on inappropriate items, such as your furniture or shoes, you will need to use discipline to control the behavior. One way to do this is to firmly say “no” and then take the puppy to its designated chew toy. If the puppy continues to gnaw on inappropriate items, you may need to physically remove the item from the puppy’s mouth and put it in a place where the puppy cannot reach it. Be sure to praise the puppy when it chews on its designated chew toy.

Step 4: Training:

Puppies are known for chewing and gnawing on things. This is because they are teething and exploring the world around them. As a pet owner, you need to know how to deal with this behavior.

The best way to stop this behavior is by training your puppy what is appropriate for chewing and what is not. For example, you can place a few of your shoes in a basket and let the pup play with them while supervised. Gradually, you can leave the shoes around the house in various places so that they know where they belong. You can also use an electric fence or citronella spray to discourage chewing on inappropriate items.

Step 5: Reward Good Behavior

One way to encourage good behavior is to reward your puppy for it. This could be with verbal praise, a treat, a special privilege, or a small toy. Whatever the reward, it should be something the child wants and is happy to receive.

Questions and Answers:

What are the most common causes of puppy chewing and gnawing?

1. Boredom – Provide your puppy with plenty of toys and playtime to keep them occupied.

2. teething – Puppies go through a teething stage and will chew on anything to relieve the pain. Offer them a variety of chew toys to help ease the discomfort.

3. Curiosity – Puppies are naturally curious and will chew on things to see what they taste like or how they feel.

4. Anxiety – If your puppy is anxious or experiencing separation anxiety, he or she is more likely to chew on things.

What are the most effective ways to prevent puppy chewing and gnawing?

There are a few things that can be done to help prevent puppies from chewing and gnawing. One is to provide them with plenty of appropriate toys to chew on. Another is to make sure that they are properly exercised, as this can help to keep them occupied and reduce boredom. And finally, it’s important to be consistent in reinforcing good behavior and discouraging chewing on inappropriate objects.

Can I prevent my dog from chewing on things by giving them something else to chew on?

Some people believe that you can prevent your dog from chewing on things by giving them something else to chew on. This is not always the case, as some dogs will chew on anything they can get their teeth on. If your dog is one of these dogs, you may need to take other steps to keep them from chewing on things they shouldn’t. You might consider using deterrent sprays or keeping items out of your dog’s reach to discourage inappropriate chewing. Training and positive reinforcement can also help redirect destructive behaviors and teach them what is acceptable to chew on. Addressing these habits early can prevent potential problems down the road, especially since persistent chewing could lead to accidental injuries or even escalate to concerns related to dog bite severity levels if the behavior isn’t managed appropriately.


In conclusion, puppies may chew on anything in sight due to their curiosity and energy. However, when you have a new puppy home, it is important to assess the situation for hazards and objects that should not be chewed on. Puppies can get sick from eating things they should not, so be sure to keep them safe by placing all food behind a gate or in a room where your pup cannot enter.

Puppy chewing can be stopped with the right steps. It will require some time and effort, but it is worth it in the end.

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