Protect Your Havanese’s legs with Pet Stairs is reader supported. If you click a link on this page, then go on to make a purchase, we might receive a commission at no cost to you.


Why do you need pet stairs.  Well if you have furniture or a great object like a settee or bed that’s probably more than your dog’s ability to safely jump on it, you can bet, that is not going to deter him in the least. Whether your dog has long or short legs, it wants to roam every square inch of the home in which they reside.

Your dog does not want to stay away from the furniture like your sofa or bed even though it’s higher than his or her’s paws can reach. So they will jump. Jumping affects dogs – whether they are small or large.

Significantly, dogs take the brunt force of landing on their back legs which can cause strain. When dogs jump on objects that are too high for them they end up with a back strain, joint pain, and spinal strain.

We need to find a way to let our dogs do what they want in a safe way. Therefore, it is wise to consider purchasing [popup_product]dog Step stairs[/popup_product] for any large piece of furniture, bed or other areas where your dog likes to jump.

Step stairs provide dogs the assistance they need and they’re great for puppies, mature dogs, senior dogs and dogs with physical disabilities. Your dog still wants to be able to jump onto the sofa beside you or to sleep in the bed near you when the dog gets older and his joints get stiff.


To hear a dog’s cry of anxiety when he’s no longer physically able to get close to the person he loves can be heartbreaking. But your dog is protected from the pain to his joints that are associated with jumping on objects too high for him when you use step stairs.

Moroever, with step stairs, you can give your dog back his confidence to go wherever he or she wants if the dog has become too elderly to jump. A side benefit of the stairs is that they help back strain in people by allowing them to no longer have to lift their very own pets off and onto high objects.

What’s great regarding these steps is that they’re built with your pet’s safety at heart. Some of the top brands have open encased sides along with an available back, similar to what you would see in a frequent kitchen step stool as shown in the photo to the right.

Stairs with unprotected sides are dangerous for your dogs. Your precious dog needs encased stair steps. Otherwise, your dog’s legs can slide away from the sides of the steps and he’ll become injured. Many dogs recognize this and are hesitant and wary about climbing open-ended stairways.

You can help these animals be safe and truly feel secure if they want to reach something due to the safe design of encased steps. These kinds of steps have slightly brought up sides to ensure that your puppy won’t have to stress about falling off. Additionally, these encased steps provide a stable and reliable platform for your pet to navigate their environment with confidence, reducing anxiety during their daily activities. It’s important to note that, while these steps enhance safety, they can also support your puppy’s development, particularly during crucial growth phases, such as when managing havanese bladder control duration. By creating a secure space, you can help your dog feel more at ease, leading to healthier habits and a happier life.

When you set the steps up, they can easily support small or bigger canines – even those over 120 pounds. It comes already assembled, so there’s nothing for you to put together. There are tread covers on each of the steps so that even if your dog climbs with his or her feet wet, he won’t slip.

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