When their owners leave their Havanese puppies alone, they frequently develop separation anxiety. This normally begins at the age of eight weeks, however some pups may experience it at a younger or older age.
In fact, separation anxiety is more prevalent in the Havanase breed than many other breeds. This is not surprising given that the.
If you’re one of the unfortunate pet owners dealing with Havanese separation anxiety, know that you’re not alone. This anxiety-inducing behavior is rather typical in this breed, and it can take some time to overcome. This is not surprising giving the Havanese’s personality. The Havanese is nicknamed the “velcro dog” because they have a tendency to become attached to their owners and follow them around
In this post, we’ll go over several strategies for dealing with Havanese separation anxiety.
Can Havanese Be Left Alone?
Havanese are a fun-loving breed that requires human connection. If you plan to leave your Havanese alone for an extended period of time, make sure they have lots of toys, treats, and activities to keep them entertained. They may get bored and destructive if they are not entertained.
If they do not suffer from separation anxiety, it is preferable not to leave Havanese pups alone for more than 3-4 hours and adult Havanese alone for more than 5 hours at a time.
If they have separation anxiety, this time frame should be shortened.

Havanese separation anxiety symptoms
Owning a Havanese with separation anxiety can be quite challenging. When left alone, this activity can involve chewing on furniture, ripping up carpets, and barking nonstop.
Separation anxiety in Havanese can cause stress fractures and psychological difficulties if left untreated.
When your dog suffers from separation anxiety and stress, they often display the following signs:
- Howling
- Whining
- Trembling and pacing
- Scratching at furniture
- Ignoring food
- Destroying items in the home
- Exuberant greetings
- Attempts to escape from a room or crate
Havanese separation anxiety symptoms can be quite lengthy and extensive especially when your Havanese puppy is young and still getting used to staying alone. The symptoms can last for long periods of time, and are much more difficult to handle if your Havanese puppy is older and more experienced with this issue.
Causes of Separation Anxiety In Havanese
Havanese puppies tend to suffer from separation anxiety to a greater extent than older dogs, and often become so anxious that they don’t communicate as well with their owners, other pets, or other animals they interact with. This can cause them to become anxious about even the slightest new development.
When your Havanese puppy is apart from you for any reason, it may develop separation anxiety. It usually affects pups who have been left alone for an extended period of time while they were small or who have recently been weaned.
Separation anxiety in Havanese puppies can have a variety of causes. When a Havanese is removed from its owners, a variety of things can lead them to become anxious. Due to the stress of being left alone by their owners for a lengthy amount of time while their owners are away, Havanese puppies frequently develop anxiety. Separation anxiety is common in Havanese puppies in new homes, but it may be easily treated with the help of a professional if your Havanese puppy is showing signs of separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety has yet to be linked to a single cause. But separation anxietyis thought to be caused by a range of factors, including environmental factors, health or other medical concerns, behavioral issues, a lack of socializing, and more.

Tips to Help Your Overcome Havanese Separation Anxiety
There are a number of things you can do to help reduce your dog’s separation anxiety. The first step is to ensure that your Havanese gets enough exercise and stimulation while you’re away.
Havanese are a high-energy breed, and they often feel restless and bored when they’re left alone. Providing your Havanese with the right kind of stimulation can help reduce their separation anxiety.
Another measure to take is to provide your Havanese with ample opportunity to socialize and interact with people when you’re around. This will help minimize the anxiety your Havanese experience when you’re away and will minimize the amount of time they’re left alone.
Another helpful method for preventing separation anxiety in your Havanese is to gradually increase the amount of alone time he or she is alone. Some owners will attempt to make a large transition from having their Havanese spend almost no time alone to spending a significant amount of time alone all at once.
But this can cause your Havanese’s separation anxiety to get even worse, as it gives them very little time to adjust to the idea of being alone. Instead, try to spend a little more time away from your Havanese each day, and then build up from there.
It’s important not to make too big a jump when it comes to reducing your Havanese’s separation anxiety. Instead, try to make small adjustments, such as leaving your Havanese for a little longer each day. This will help minimize the anxiety your Havanese experiences when you’re away and will minimize the amount of time they’re left alone.
When it comes to reducing your Havanese’s separation anxiety, you’ll have to be patient, because in many circumstances, the best method to deal with it is to let your Havanese get used to the situation.
Another possible solution, although I’m not sure if any studies have been done, is to obtain another Havanese or small dog breed to keep your furry friend company while you are gone.
A Long Walk Before Leaving Helps Reduce Havanese separation anxiety.
One way you can help prevent your Havanese from developing a high level of separation anxiety is to take your dog for a long jog or walk before you leave your dog at home alone for the first time. This will help to reduce your Havanese’s anxiety when you’re away. This will also help you to realize the maximum amount of success when it comes to reducing your Havanese’s separation anxiety.
Some trainers will even recommend that you take your dog for a long walk or run before leaving him for the first time, since this will assist to reduce the period of time your Havanese is left alone.
Are there other options to help my Havanese with anxiety?
Yes. If your dog suffers from anxiety, there are many options available to you. Some of these options include therapies, medications, and CBD oil supplements for dogs with anxiety. There are several types of anxiety medications that can be used safely on pets. However, these drugs are very powerful. They work quickly to reduce symptoms of anxiety in pets and have side effects that can be just as serious as the problems they are meant to treat.
CBD oil for dogs is much safer than most anti-anxiety medications your dog might use. CBD oil has no known side effects and can be an effective treatment for dogs with anxiety problems or other forms of stress.
According to iHeartdogs.com a leading blog on dogs, approximately 67% of the dog owners polled claimed that CBD was ‘extremely effective’ or ‘somewhat effective’ in helping their dog’s anxiety.
Havanese Separation Anxiety and Vacations
Your dog may experience separation anxiety if you go on vacation. Even while you may be looking forward to having some time apart from him, he may be nervous about being left alone. Your dog may become destructive or dangerous if he is nervous. Though it may appear to be a frightening notion, you can assist your dog become comfortable when left alone by preparing him ahead of time and taking the necessary safeguards.
One of the precautions is to ensure that your pet sitter has enough treats to put in your dog’s food. This is because your dog may not feel like eating when he is left alone. But the good news is that dogs can survive without food for a long time and will eat if they get hungry enough.
Another strategy is to leave some items that will make your dog feel safe. Crates serve as safe havens for dogs.
You should make sure they have their favorite toy or bone with them when they’re feeling nervous, regardless of where they stay.
If possible, you might also leave an old item of clothing containing a scent from you. If you’re gone, this can help your dog feel at home. Your dog can feel more secure when he has familiar items nearby.
Goodbyes and Hellos should be kept to a minimum.
Do not show overexcitement when you arrive home, and don’t get emotional before you leave. As a consequence, you won’t need to pay attention to your departures and returns, reducing the fear your dog feels when you leave.
Once you get home from work or shopping, you can quietly say “hello”, and before leaving, you can simply say goodbye and leave. The lesson to be learned is that when your dog hasn’t learned how to calm down, you should avoid excessive affection.
One additional tip some trainers recommend to combat Havanese separation anxiety is to practice saying something like Goodbye [name of dog] and then coming back a few seconds later just to reinforce in the dog that goodbye is only temporary.
What Not to Do
You should also avoid doing activities that may add to your Havanese’s separation anxiety inadvertently. When your Havanese is engaged in high-energy activities like chasing toys or playing with other dogs, for example, you should not leave them alone. This will only serve to frustrate your Havanese, adding to their worry.
Instead, attempt to restrict the amount of time your Havanese spends doing these things when you’re present so you may spend more time away from them without giving them undue stress.
Additionally, forcing an anxious Havanese puppy to be in a crate is one of the worst things you can do. Havanese separation anxiety will almost always increase as a result of this.
Separation anxiety can be an incredibly difficult condition to overcome, but with the right treatment and support, it’s possible! In this post, we shared some helpful tips on how to deal with separation anxiety in Havanese dogs, as well as provided some helpful resources should you need them. We hope that by reading this post, you will find some relief from your dog’s anxiety.
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Sara is a passionate writer and an avid lover of Havanese dogs. With several years of experience in dog training, breeding, and care, she has developed a deep understanding and admiration for the Havanese breed. Sara’s mission is to provide valuable insights, resources, and tips to help Havanese dog owners provide the best possible care and nurturing for their beloved pets.